Repin for (Re)Exposure

After you’ve been in Pinterest for a while, you start to notice pins that have “been around.” For me, the first pin I noticed again and again in the pinflow was glass candlesticks made to look like sea glass with Elmer’s glue. (Epic Fail, BTW—bugs got in the glue).

Seaglass Candlestick Pin

Seaglass Candlestick Pin

A silver beaded dress does the rounds of the Art Deco boards, too.

Last weekend, I noticed a book cover pin come through my pin flow one too many times. I had already read the caption. The book didn’t appeal. I didn’t think that my pin-friends would be reading it, either. But the book kept showing up in the pin flow.

I investigated.

It turns out that the author was repinning the book. There’s only one pin of the book on the relevant board. The author deletes the old pin when the book is repined.

Repinning your own pins to keep them visible in the pin flow struck me as a useful Pinterest marketing practice.

Benefits of Repinning Older Pins

I noticed the book because I saw it so many times. The price banner in the upper left tells me the book is for sale (Kindle store).

How to Repin Your Own Pins More Effectively

In this case, the book description never changes. The image never changes. (That is, I haven’t noticed any other images linking to the same book. It might be that the author is pinning more than one image from the book and I simply haven’t noticed the others.) On one hand, this helps me notice the book; OTOH, once I recognize the pin I have already looked at, I am less likely to investigate a second time.

Recommendations for Repinning Old Pins

Refresh your business product boards by repinning your items. Regular repinning displays your pins to newer followers, in both the “following” flow and in the “categories” listings.

In Karen Tiede Art Rugs, I loaded all my rugs to the Rug board early in my membership, before I had any followers. Nobody noticed a glut of colorful rugs in the pin flow. New followers don’t see the pins on the established boards unless they happen to look at any of my boards in detail.

If you have a limited amount of inventory, don’t overload your boards with more than one pin of the same product (unless the images are different). When you repin an existing item, delete the old pin with the identical image from the bottom of the board.

If you pin more than one, different, image of the same product, point the pins at different website pages. Point one pin to the sales page for the item, one to the newsletter sign up page, one to your home page, and so forth.

If you’re really good at split testing and record keeping, you can keep track of which pins generate the best traffic. I am not and I can’t tell you how to do this. If I figure it out, I’ll write a new article.

Until Pinterest allows us to rearrange pins on boards, repinning is also the only way to adjust which products are next to each other on your boards.

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