Pinterest for a business coach

One of my clients runs a small business coaching center, where he facilitates monthly peer advisory groups segmented by number of employees. He teaches a monthly class “100 Days to Abundance” class that helps small business owners develop effective client attraction and lead generation practices to keep their pipelines fille.  He is interested in learning how Pinterest can help generate leads for this business.

I suggested the following types of boards for this business:

  • A 100 Days to Abundance board, with individual info-spins explaining the various components of building a business woodpile, and other lessons
  • A board for each flight of the 100 Days to Abundance class, containing pins that link to attendee websites, as well as in-class images uploaded from the Pinterest app for phones
  • Images from the holiday party, uploaded from phones and edited to point back to the business website
  • A board about scouting (he is a Scout leader)
  • A racquetball board
  • A small business resource board, including pins from local support such as the SBA, the SBUs, the SBTDC, and so forth
  • Small business owner of the week
  • Pins from the Small Business Insight magazine
  • Business wisdom pins using a text-to-pin tool such as, including some of the graphics used in the classes and peer advisory groups
  • Images of the meeting space that is available for rent will be displayed on the “Gift” list, increasing exposure of the center as a rentable location
  • A board about the other Team Nimbus centers around the country


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