80/20: The Next Round

In July, I wrote about cutting a bolt of fabric into three equal lengths, draping it over an existing curtain rod, and calling the “make curtains for the guest room project” DONE.  However, there was that fringe-y bit.

Even more eventually, I’d love to buy and apply the beaded fringe from the Cloth Barn discount store.  The 4.5 yards of trim this window needs would cost about $45; it would take several hours to apply.  You can see a test swatch of the beading in the picture of the full window, in the far window at the sill.

In December, I gave in and bought the fringe.  I got used to “good enough,” and wanted a little bit more.  I had some time over the holidays; thought it wouldn’t take too long to sew two lines of stitching to attach the fringe to the edge of the fabric.  Planned to use Fray Check to seal the edge against unraveling; that would save a whole series of steps involved in hemming.

It turned out what we thought was Fray Check was actually Liquid Stitch, a textile glue.  Instead of 100 pins and two rows of stitching, all I had to do was lay a bead of glue on the end of the fabric, press the ribbon band of the fringe into the glue, and wait 24 hours for the glue to dry.

It’s not 100% as pretty as it would have been had I stitched the trim to the curtains.  But it’s at least 80% as pretty, on way less than 20% of the time.

Beaded fringe attached to sheer curtains with fabric glue.

Beaded fringe attached to sheer curtains with fabric glue.

(The other end of the curtains remains to be finished; we’re deciding how the entire window treatment assembly will be hung and may change the rods. That will change the length. Plan to trim even with the baseboard and use real Fray Check on that end of the sheers.)



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