Keyword Research

Keyword research is the business of figuring out what your clients are looking for, on Google (primarily), when your business is the answer.   (When it comes to websites, the question can be extended to read, “What search terms are my ideal clients using to find my firm, that my competition is not using on their website?”)

Unfortunately, the “curse of knowledge” suggests that the better you are at what you do, the less likely you are to be able to figure this out on your own.  Consider an easy example:

  • Real estate professionals sell homes, and the initial investment may be anything from 0-20% of the final value.  First time buyers go house hunting, and want to know what the down payment will be.

Another one:

  • Airlines offer low fares.  People buy cheap flights.

Google and its rivals are smart and can, most of the time, tell the difference between a home builder looking for a carpenter and a first-time  grandmother with an 11×14 photo of the first grandchild (framing).  However, business owners whose websites use the terms customers use when they search will get more traffic than those who are waiting for Google to bridge the gap.

Understanding what terms people who need you NOW are using, and then writing articles and blog posts for your website using those terms, is a low-cost way of reaching clients you’d otherwise miss.


Few clients will want or be able to use all of the possible internet marketing strategies, so the first task is to determine your firm’s go-to-market strategy. Looking at your target market’s on-line and off-line purchasing habits and behavior will help guide development of the plan.


Creating the initial plan includes setting performance goals and determining how goals will be tracked, measured, and reported.


The details of an individual campaign will vary, depending on your audience. Some services are made for Facebook and Inside919; others thrive on article marketing and targeted SEO services, including link building. I will design and specify the detail (what, where, when, how often) of a campaign that you or your staff can manage, or help you find campaign professionals who can do the work for you.

Landing Page Analysis

Whether you are actually selling a product or service through your website, or simply using the site as a lead generation engine to build a list, your landing page matters. I will work with you to make sure you get maximum conversion from your site and use all the opportunities available to collect leads.


The results of your metrics tracking program are used to determine which elements of any campaign need to be adjusted to reach your clients and buyers more effectively.

Next Steps

If you’d like to know more about how your business can benefit from a tailored internet marketing plan, give me a call.  I’m happy to talk.

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