(Recommend minimum 10 boards, 10 pins on each board)
- Our Beer (Brews): pictures of each of the different beers in a mug. Put the name of the beer in the image, as well as in the pin description.
- Our Brewery: pictures of the brewery and staff
- Asheboro Eats: pins of local restaurants; use a Map Board for these
- NC Craft Brewers (or Central NC Craft Brewers) (Could spin to at least three or four boards, Western NC / Asheville / Central / Eastern NC Craft Brewers)
- Asheboro Events
- Beer Recipes
- Shop Local (use #shoplocal hash tag)
- Zoo
- Randolph County Historical sites
- Brewing Equipment
- Beer Steins
- BrewFests around the State
- Beer in the Press
- Beer Quotations
- Hops
- Celebrities and Craft Brewing
- Beer Fashion
Guidelines: no more than 200 pins per board (business visitors won’t scroll farther).
40-60 boards max. for a business account, to increase the percentage of people who “Follow all” rather than following only a few boards.
Keep the pins in circulation by regularly pinning a few pins from the bottom of the key business-content boards, back to the top of the same board, and then deleting the “old” pin from the bottom, on whatever cycle works for you. This will keep the brewery’s own pins “in circulation,” exposed to new people watching the pin flow, without much additional work for the marketing manager.
Craft Brew Pinterest Accounts to follow
Look at who those accounts are following to find more craft brewing accounts. (Some accounts get more political, or skew to a younger age, than you might find helpful.
Join this Group Board and pin your brews:
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