Organizing Maintenance

Many of the clients who work with me to design and implement productivity systems are relieved to find that the systems we design are clear and to a large extent, self-maintaining (OK, not exactly… the systems don’t maintain themselves… but they do make it easier for someone to maintain them). However, some clients know themselves and their work well enough to have come to accept that on-going (self) organization is not going to happen. For these people, we offer on-going support.

After a conversation about your goals and challenges, we start with an assessment of your current work systems. We can make recommendations, which may include classes for your co-workers, often delivered as a casual lunch-and-learn. We will help you develop a simple one-page plan for your first year or two, which includes your vision for your work, the strategies you plan to follow to accomplish that work, and measurable objectives to both show progress and provide an early warning of possible difficulty.

If managing large amounts of information, either digital or paper, is an issue, we can help design an indexed filing system that will allow you to find content, where ever it is stored.

Once the essential structure is in place, we provide on-going support in the form of regularly-scheduled calls or in-person meetings, depending on availability and geography. In addition or instead, we can provide on-going filing support through one of our partners, at a rate to be determined by need.

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